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Undue Influence on Climate Policy and COP Negotiations

 Undue Influence on Climate Policy

Campaigns for climate policy and actions

Prepare by Abraham Sumalinog

Anthropogenic activities fundamentally cause climate change. Everyone emits greenhouse gases but to varying degrees. Is everyone responsible for the impacts of climate events we are now experiencing? Not exactly! There are only a few entities that are more responsible and accountable for this global rise in temperature. The problem is that these big polluters don't claim responsibility and don't plan on stopping their fossil fuel business. Their worst activity is influencing the climate policies and actions for mitigation at high levels local and international negotiations.

The Big Polluters and "Net Zero"

Big Polluters are businesses and corporations or trade associations whose operations are mainly responsible for the emissions that have caused and continue to drive the climate crisis. However, these polluters also include other high-emissions and polluting industries, including industrial food and agribusiness, aviation, logging, retail, technology, and the groups that advance those industries' agenda.

Big Polluters use "net zero" climate plans to distract climate negotiations that produce real solutions. The plan is composed of a variety of risky technologies, including geoengineering and untested schemes. Such schemes have been tested but produced negative results, such as continued emissions, human rights, social, equity, corruption, and environmental issues. The most common dangerous distractions include burning trees or biomass (dubbed Bioenergy), carbon capture and storage (CCS), bioenergy and carbon capture and storage (BECCS), carbon markets, direct air capture (DACT), nature-based solutions (NBS), carbon offsets, and recently Hydrogen.

What is "net zero"?

The concept of "net zero" is being misunderstood in political spaces and by individual actors to evade climate action and avoid accountability. However, the idea is that an entity can continue to pollute as usual—or even increase its emissions—and seek to compensate for those emissions. It is a mathematical equation but deeply flawed in reality. Net Zero schemes are used to hide inaction and foist emissions reductions. (The Big Con, p.9).

The 'big polluters' want to make people believe that it is okay to pollute and cut emissions simultaneously. So they devised vital strategies to keep their business-as-usual (BAU) activities. Basically, their overall strategies include the following:

Strategy 1: Big polluters buy off political goodwill to help secure "net zero" policies.

Strategy 2: The lobbyist influences policy to lock in a "net zero" agenda.

Strategy 3: The fossil fuel lobbyist shapes academic research to validate the "net zero" agenda.


The most obvious "net zero" distraction plans of fossil fuel industries include making "net zero" commitments that are heavy on public relations (PR) and light on the detail. Second, they make sure that the timeline to reduce emissions is far off, which means that the later, the better so they do not actually have to reduce emissions. Third, they use announcements and publicity to greenwash their image.[1]

Buying off political goodwill

The lobbying strategy of the industries pushing "net zero" schemes is strong. It is the same machine that weakened the Kyoto Protocol. This strategy counts on individual corporate lobbyists and the most influential trade associations such as the American Petroleum Institute and the US Chamber of Commerce. These groups are very effective and influential in that they have not only stopped real climate solutions from taking hold but also they advanced policies that increase their profits. (p.24). one such example is a policy that undermines real solutions and increases polluters' profits is a tax credit in the United States called the 45Q tax credit. It is believed that the largest credit went to Exxon, which could be positioned to claim up to US$70 million a year through this credit per CCS plant. Despite the tax credit's proven misuse, a policy proposal was tagged onto the Consolidated Appropriation Act 2021. The policy paved the way for climate inaction under the guise of "net zero" and removed policies on real climate solutions.

Lobbyists influencing policy to lock in "net zero" agenda

The UNFCCC is the leading international space for global collaboration on climate policy. Unfortunately, the Big Polluters have undermined equitable and strong policy proposals from climate justice activists. They can influence and undermine climate policy by engaging with policymakers and accessing decision-making processes through sponsorship of negotiations and high-profile events, lobbying in corridors through their industry groups, or even negotiating on behalf of government delegations. Besides, they also lobby at the national level to advance their interests. They use "corporate capture" to undermine political will which can weaken a strong and equitable global response to climate change. Due to their 'puppeteering,' the Paris Agreement is much weaker than it needs to be. Among other PA policies, it is voluntary rather than binding and does not require specific emissions cuts or any mention of fossil fuels (The Big Con, p.25). The push to influence the UNFCCC decisions is led by the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA), founded and still run by BP, Shell, and Chevron. IETA is funded by over 170 corporations, banks, and firms. IETA brought 402 people to talks (governments have only 15) that officialized carbon markets at COP11 in Montreal and influenced policy outcomes at other COP meetings.

Shaping academic research to validate "net zero."

Some famous and top-notch academic institutions have intimate ties to some of the Big Polluters in the world. These institutions, such as Princeton University, Stanford University, Imperial College London, and even the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), are receiving hundreds of millions of dollars in funding for climate or "net zero" related research. For example, Exxon is committed to reaching "net zero" and has a formal relationship with over 80 academic institutions globally; Cargill has over 63 relationships, and Chevron and Amazon have each of the 10 such relationships. Other polluting corporations have such kinds of relationships as well. Notably, Exxon funded (US$100 million) Stanford's Global Climate and Energy Project (GCFP) and produced research on Carbon Capture and Storage. The corporate sponsors are allowed to formally review research projects, including articles before they are completed. They are also allowed to be part of the project development team as affiliates.


Big Polluters' Delegations to the UNFCCC's COP events

The UNFCCC's Paris Agreement came into force in November 2016 and was ratified by 143 governments as of April 2017. It is a critical step in the global initiative to mitigate climate change. But, unfortunately, there is an alarmingly high chance that there will be as little progress on the Paris Agreement as has been made on the past agreements that preceded it: Kyoto, Copenhagen, and Cancun. This is because corporations have played a fundamental role in creating the current climate crisis, and they continue to interfere and access a seat at the climate negotiation table. To date, corporations, businesses, and industry non-governmental organizations (BINGOs) are allowed to continue lobbying, and they weaken international efforts to slow climate change, stifling policymaking and financing efforts.

Hundreds of BINGOs have links with the fossil fuel industry and have been granted access to the UNFCCC negotiations. Under the present UNGCCC policies, industry delegates aggressively promote coal-centered agenda in the rooms where government delegates discuss policy options to avert climate impacts. It does not mean that the fossil industry has no role to play in slowing temperature rise. However, they must transform their business practices to align with the relevant commitments of the global community to prevent the climate from getting worse. Due to such reasons, UNFCCC delegates representing almost 70 percent of the world's population took a stand. They demanded that the UNFCCC must review its policies to identify non-Parties undermining negotiations. However, the delegates' demands were resisted by Parties who seemed more concerned with representing the interest of the fossil fuel industry than the interests of the people facing the impacts of climate change. The delegates who argued against addressing conflicts of interest were from the wealthiest regions where fossil fuel industries are based, including the United States, Australia, the EU, and Brazil.

The delegates of fossil fuel industries and groups linked to the fossil fuel industry have been admitted to past COP meetings, including the US Chamber of Commerce, The National Mining Association, Business Roundtable, FuelsEurope, The Business Council of Australia, and The International Chamber of Commerce.[2]

They are all granted UNFCCC observer status despite their opposition to the Paris Agreement. To the big polluters out from climate negotiations, conflict of interests must be appropriately defined to fit UNFCCC's climate purposes. The definitions should then be implemented as a policy that could prevent interference from fossil fuel industries promoting their interests and selfish needs.


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