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Showing posts from October, 2021

Proposals for COP26: Undue Influence on Climate Policy

Proposals for COP26: Undue Influence on Climate Policy Photo Credit: Make countries legally accountable should they run counter to their climate commitments The COP should establish policies that push (if possible legal measures) member countries to fulfill their climate action commitments. The policies should apply to member states who promised to keep the global temperature to 1.5 or 2.0 degrees Centigrade but are likely to fail their targets due to lack of political will, conflicts of interest, and undue influence, or other related integrity issues. Such countries that need to act should be those that have "critically insufficient" and "highly insufficient" climate actions based on scientific and credible measurement systems, such as the Climate Action Tracker's system. [1] These countries include member states still maintaining and building coal plants as sources of energy, such as South Korea, Japan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and China. These samp

30th Green Climate Fund Meeting Notes

 30th Green Climate Fund Meeting Notes 30 th Green Climate Fund Board Meeting 4-7 September 2021 (Virtual meeting)   The GCF's Board Members were expected to approve 13 Funding Proposals equivalent to USD1.2 billion and accredit 4 Accredited Entities (actually for re-accreditation), and also address various policy gaps and governance issues.   1 st Day (4 October 2021) The first day was slow which was spent on discussing procedural matters The co-chair from Mexico (Jose) opened the meeting by welcoming the new Board members and their alternates Discussion on the Technical Sessions held a week before B30 on the Simplified Approval Process (SAP), and Climate Rationale was done without considering the evaluations made by the IEU. The co-chair responded by saying that the independent evaluation of SAP and Climate Rationale are already part of the proposed agenda. Due to some objections from a couple of Board members, the co-chairs agreed to add another agenda item rel

Undue Influence on Climate Policy and COP Negotiations

 Undue Influence on Climate Policy Campaigns for climate policy and actions Prepare by Abraham Sumalinog Anthropogenic activities fundamentally cause climate change. Everyone emits greenhouse gases but to varying degrees. Is everyone responsible for the impacts of climate events we are now experiencing? Not exactly! There are only a few entities that are more responsible and accountable for this global rise in temperature. The problem is that these big polluters don't claim responsibility and don't plan on stopping their fossil fuel business. Their worst activity is influencing the climate policies and actions for mitigation at high levels local and international negotiations. The Big Polluters and "Net Zero" Big Polluters are businesses and corporations or trade associations whose operations are mainly responsible for the emissions that have caused and continue to drive the climate crisis. However, these polluters also include other high-emissions and polluting i